
AMD LoD Adjuster / Changer – CS:GO LoD change

With this FREE software, you can easily change the LoD (Level of Detail) in CS:GO game for AMD graphic cards/GPU.

LINK to Download:

NOTICE: We have a new website dedicated to benching and tweaking games:
Future game tweak software will be hosted on

We do not see this setting inside the game menus so we created this tool to help you change the LoD (Level of Detail). This program searches for the “LodAdj” key in your registry. Changes this key seen in the image below highlighted. The slider ranges from -5 to 5. The higher the number the more faster the game. Higher number makes the image more flat looking and less detailed.


Close the game then run this utility to change the LoD using the slider and click the “Change” button.
Number 5 should give you best performance.
Number 0 is default.
Close this tool, reboot your PC and run the game.

SCREENSHOTS of LoD level 5 in-game