Canadian Tech CompaniesComputers

Long Road in IT

It has been a long road.

I finally finished doing “the hardest work” in my school program. I am in a 2-year program doing Computer Programming at my local college, Durham College. I have one more semester left.

I just finished the hardest part: “MATH for IT”. It was gruelling for me. I did not get the mark I wanted 🙃 …

Doing Math for IT opened up my mind. It is different from Algebra and Calculus.

I learned about a lot of things: logic gates and sets. 

I realized everything is MATH.

Like I knew this before when I was younger but it became so more apparent to me.

Is it fun? No.

Creating products and services surrounding gaming and Windows utilities is fun with my friends doing FreeTimeTech and

Concentrating on working with my friends is important to me to keep focused and happy.

I have one more semester left of school but it is just “work”. No more new concepts I heard.

Anyways, I am liking this life. I always wanted to be a tech journalist and programmer when I was younger and it has come kinda true. But the reality about computer science is the following meme.

I actually don’t think I am good at this computer science stuff but I will continue to keep busy doing this as it keeps me happy and motivated as an older man. I don’t worry about the superficial stuff.

I hope everyone can pursue their passions in life. There isn’t anything else.