
This site was created for people that love technology and just for us to talk about tech in our FreeTime of course. The site was founded back in 2018 by Ben and David.

About Ben

Ben has always loved technology, everything tech. It was his idea to create FreeTimeTech with David. He is in college for computers and currently very busy with work outside school.

For more information about Ben click here.

About David

David has worked in computer repair and sales. He has done some graphic designing. He likes to troubleshoot more than graphic design.

I am learning.

For more information about David click here.

Past Works

FreeTimeTech has worked with the following companies/people:

Sophia Script for Windows by farag2 (Dmitry Nefedov) on GitHub: We work with Dmitry on his Sophia projects from our second site: BenchTweakGaming.com. He is a pretty well known Windows 10/11 fine-tuner (Debloater). He has projects (Script and SophiApp: Full C# and WPF version of script) that allows for Windows 10/11 customization and automation. The script project has over 897,000 downloads.


RealHardwareReviews.com: We previously created graphics/designs for their website and YouTube channel and written some news articles.

Featured Image Ad of 2080 Super GPU.
Featured Image Ad of WD SN750 NVME.

Carey Holzman: We created Mike Smith’s and Carey Holzman’s Tech-Vets logo.

Tech-Vets Logo for Podcast/YouTube series.