
1-year After Finishing School in Programming …

After finishing school in April 2023 in programming, these things happened:

  • I reflected about education in programming. I learned there is so much more to learn and that programming helps you grow in intelligence and maturity.
  • I worked in web development. I learned that I don’t know enough WordPress to make a complete theme with all the do dads. I need 2-3 years or even 5 years to be a WordPress expert. More if I intend to build my own custom stuff. This is the goal. I want to become a WordPress theme creator and then build on top of it too later.
  • I figured out how to program for life. I watched my friends land jobs in high places and realized they just focus on coding entirely. They don’t worry about anything else. I guess to program as a life career you must be open minded completely and not have any worries. That is the only way to do it. You must have a complete open mind to solve without worrying about money or any other problems like spending, buying stuff, accumulating wealth, etc. You have to completely zone out. Programming is like the best activity I found to do. So I guess you should spend your life zoning out in it LOL. Also you are not supposed to have any worries to do programming I think. The only way to do programming is to not have worries I think.