
More and More … programming

I realized more and more doing programming has helped me.

Out of school now and I find the time to work on things that I want to learn.

I used to stop thinking about learning more and getting more skills.

But with Ben Cybulski’s coaching and help, I realized learning more skills has helped my health and my thinking.

Programming is an always progressive learning skill I learned. You get better and better from learning it.

Keeping at it and learning more and more. Thinking that you are actively gaining and learning a skill has bettered my mental health.

Good god it is logical.

I am more happy and my social life has improved significantly.

Try it if you can. It sure helped me.

Actively learning, learning a new beneficial skill, like programming together is all you should do now after all said and done.

It removes all the childish behaviour (well for me …).

Make learning active enough to get 100% engaged and 100% present and in your face to feel good and healthy.